Body Work
The combination of techniques I use produce results that are more than the sum of their parts. All massages are fully Earthed which means that I use Earthing sheets to reduce inflammation in your body for at least an hour. The Dorn-Breuss technique adjusts your spinal alignment without aggressive manipulations. Cranial sacral therapy aids with neck pain, improves spinal fluid circulation, activates the red blood cells, and changes the whole system. Aromatherapy reduces stress, foot reflexology activates specific organs and is a great way to detox the body. There are so many benefits. Try one and feel the difference!
Bernadette also offers Aromatouch. Just 1 administered Aromatouch technique caused the heart rate to be lower and positive influence on stress markers
6 Aromatouch sessions effected HR, Anxiety levels, Stress markers, inflammatory markers.
The long term effect showed stress markers and inflammatory markers reduced.